In the triangular construct of music, dance and visual art, the emphasis lies on the music. This time de Châtel chose Bach instead of a contemporary composer. The alternation between silence and music forms a recurring theme, with the pulse of the music resounding in the silence. Matthias Vogels designed a décor with moveable screens covered in netting. These are disposed differently in each of the five parts: symmetrically, asymmetrically and diagonally.
Through the absence of de Châtel as a dancer, this time the other dancers have more opportunity to show themselves. This has the positive effect of making them come across as less pawn-like and anonymous, and – as far as this minimal dance form permits – allows them to stand out as theatre and dance personalities. De Châtel says that her aim is to create maximum tension with minimal means. In Wiederkehr she has certainly succeeded. (NRC Handelsblad)
premiere 19 February 1983, Shaffy Theater, Amsterdam
choreography Krisztina de Châtel
dance Marijke Huybregts, Toska ten Kate, Josje Neuman, Albert Jan van der Stel, Lilian Vos
music J.S. Bach – Praeludia in C, c and d from Das Wohltemporiertes Klavier, part 1 and Fuga from the Toccata in e (BWV 914)
live peformance Gerard Bouwhuis (piano)
stagedesign Matthias Vogels
light Matthias Vogels
costumes Albert Jan van der Stel
photography Bob van Dantzig