The critical animated film Waltz with Bashir by filmmaker Ari Folman was the original inspiration for this choreography.
The performance shows a group of people waltzing as they try to keep up appearances. Even in times of crisis, war and grief, we go on waltzing, like a machine, a human automaton. In WALTZ, the individual revolts and tries to wrestle free of the collective.
premiere 20 March 2010, Theater Bellevue, Amsterdam
choreography Krisztina de Châtel
dance Silvia Albanese Valle, Daniel Costa, Davide Di
Pretoro, David Essing, Matthieu Geffré, Arnaud Macquet, Francesca Monti,
Natasha Rodina, Cris Tandy, Helena Volkov stagiairs Salvatore Leocata, Ricardo Rus Da-Silva, Michela Tumolo
music Johann Strauss- An der schönen blauen Donau, and Frülingsstimmen; treats by Han Otten
stagedesign Niek Kortekaas
light Remko van Wely
costumes Natasja Lansen
advice Anny Mokotow
photography Karel Zwaneveld