Bewogen Bomen

Bewogen Bomen

Krisztina de Châtel’s work is characterised by a continuous quest for new links between dance, music and visual art. This is why she often collaborates with visual arts or seeks inspiration from their work.

Bewogen Bomen (Moving Trees) was produced with visual artist, musician and writer Armando and his Quartet. The performance is set in museum spaces such as the Haagse Gemeentemuseum, the Groninger Museum, the Armandomuseum and various galleries.

Together, the dancers and the musicians of the Armando Quartet take the audience on a journey through the various spaces in the building. This means that the choreography is different at every location as Krisztina de Châtel strives to make optimal use of the possibilities of each space.

premiere 20 October 2001, Armandomuseum, Amersfoort
choreography Krisztina de Châtel
dance Isabel Ariel, Eva-Maria Christ, Cecilia Moisio, Swantje Schäuble, Barbara Louise Suters, Suzan Tunca
music Armando Quartet and Soundpalette / Han Otten
costumes Emmy Schouten