

A choreography for three female dancers and part of a program with four premières (Afwijkend, Aan jou, Varieties op een thema and Lines). The title, Afwijkend – which means ‘deviant’ in Dutch – was not chosen randomly. De Châtel deliberately introduced contrasts in the program: ‘The emphasis lies on Lines. A game of movement with lines and diagonals in a disciplined choreography that is highly demanding of the dancers. At the extreme opposite, there is the choreography Afwijkend. Here the dancers work much more as individuals. This part of the performance is therefore tailored to match the personality of each dancer.’

The expressive and absurdist Afwijkend with punk-like, heavily made up female dancers dressed in strangely patterned body stockings… A wonderful multitude of movement patterns and a unity of dance and music. With all its restlessness and tonal eruptions, Xenakis’ music is an almost tailor-made base for this ballet. (Nieuwsblad van het Noorden)

It is set in a frenzied dance idiom. Thus the three women look now like temple dancers… now like cats on heat writhing on the floor… The technically demanding nature of the piece is also remarkable. (de Volkskrant)

premiere 15 November 1979, Toneelschuur, Haarlem
choreography Krisztina de Châtel
dance Marijke Huybregts, Toska ten Kate, Sjoukje Osinga
music Iannis Xenakis – Pytopracta
light William Heyltjes
costumes Marianne Strategier
photography Bob van Dantzig